What is this week if not a perfect opportunity to play Dungeons and Dragons? You might have time off work, you may be filled with a fantasmic holiday spirit of sorts, and everyone is already talking about elves. So why not capitalize on the synergy, throw some dice around, and call it a game? Well, maybe because you're surrounded by family members who don't know anything about DnD.
Here's where my idea of "Stealth DnD" comes in-- your whole family is playing a game of Dungeons and Dragons even if they don't know it. You assign them all characters based on their personalities, and then every time they say something like "I'm putting the prime rib in the oven," you know that that's a spell they've cast that will help them in the whole party (family)'s fight against the ultimate enemy, the lack of Christmas spirit. Sound convoluted? It is! But it's a great way to pass the time. That and memes. Oh yeah. Maybe just memes.
Here's where my idea of "Stealth DnD" comes in-- your whole family is playing a game of Dungeons and Dragons even if they don't know it. You assign them all characters based on their personalities, and then every time they say something like "I'm putting the prime rib in the oven," you know that that's a spell they've cast that will help them in the whole party (family)'s fight against the ultimate enemy, the lack of Christmas spirit. Sound convoluted? It is! But it's a great way to pass the time. That and memes. Oh yeah. Maybe just memes.