Parents, you've made it through the holiday hump. You've overcome that weird little stretch of time between Christmas and New Year's. You've faked your job and done your fair share of overeating. Let's face it, you might still be overeating because life is hard as it is. As a parent, this is a particularly rewarding time because the kids are still out of school but you're crawling back toward "normal life." You've made it through all those endless Elf on the Shelf scenarios. You've ushered your family through some harrowing travel moments (Kids make the movie Planes, Trains, and Automobiles look like a cakewalk). Maybe you're begging your kids to play with the toys they were so recently gifted, even though they might have already gotten bored of them.
Either way, you've parented, and you've parenting hard. But the hardest part is over, and now you're in a new year, full of new parenting challenges. You wonder what kinds of new information your kids will pick up this year. You pray that they only get sick a normal amount and that you're spared from the kid flu. But most of all, you hope your family has as much fun together as you did last year. And if you don't, at least you have these tweets.
Either way, you've parented, and you've parenting hard. But the hardest part is over, and now you're in a new year, full of new parenting challenges. You wonder what kinds of new information your kids will pick up this year. You pray that they only get sick a normal amount and that you're spared from the kid flu. But most of all, you hope your family has as much fun together as you did last year. And if you don't, at least you have these tweets.