It's human nature to find humor in the failings of others. How do you think we ended up with "America's Funniest Home Videos?" Since the dawn of time (I assume), we see somebody trip and fall, and we laugh as long as they're not seriously hurt. Watching people try to do something and fail in the execution is the human way. And it will come for us eventually. One day, we will be walking along a slippery sidewalk and land straight on our rear ends. We should expect that we provided any bystanders at least a cursory giggle. It's the cycle of failure.
That brings us to our mission today, why we come together every Friday, without fail I might add, to look at these images. We're here to watch random failures of design, graphic or otherwise. The people responsible for these images may not laugh, but we sure will.
That brings us to our mission today, why we come together every Friday, without fail I might add, to look at these images. We're here to watch random failures of design, graphic or otherwise. The people responsible for these images may not laugh, but we sure will.