Like Prince once said, "Life is just a party and parties weren't meant to last." Sure, he was talking about the fear of the impending societal and technological collapse of Y2K (and we survived it, look at us), but this phrase is infinitely meaningful beyond just that context. It's another way of saying YOLO, seize the day, live each day like it was your last. A memento mori in a pop song if ever there was one. Everything worth doing is going to come to an end at some point, and it's better to face that head-on than it is to push off until tomorrow. You might as well face the fact that everything is temporary, or else you might never get to enjoy it in the first place. If this sounds morbid, it isn't! It's just facing the facts of reality before you can get your feelings hurt. And after all, the best things in life are especially fleeting.