Welcome to 2025, we've been expecting you. Sure, everything might look the same as it did last year, but there are subtle changes going on right under your nose. Namely, you have to correct yourself every time you date something as 2024. But you're also changing in imperceivable ways. You're a year older and wiser. Perhaps you're making less reckless decisions, or perhaps you're making more reckless decisions because you realize, as they say, YOLO. Maybe your skin is a little saggier, or maybe you're cashing in that Christmas gift you gave to yourself and getting a tasteful amount of Botox. Maybe your tastes are a little more refined, or maybe you've realized that Flamin' Hot Cheetos are as delicious as any restaurant-quality appetizer.
We're all changing all the time, and the New Year is a way to mark those changes. As we watch the ball drop, we hope that something has shifted in the universe, at least a little. We count down from 10 with our friends and family and make a silent little wish that things will be better, more fun, more grounded, less sorrowful (whatever your wish is). So to celebrate this new chapter, here are some memes to get you started.
We're all changing all the time, and the New Year is a way to mark those changes. As we watch the ball drop, we hope that something has shifted in the universe, at least a little. We count down from 10 with our friends and family and make a silent little wish that things will be better, more fun, more grounded, less sorrowful (whatever your wish is). So to celebrate this new chapter, here are some memes to get you started.