It is an unfortunate fact that being a picky eater is something that is often a burden on both yourself and the people around you. While there are numerous, debilitating physical and psychological reasons for somebody to have a limited palate, part of approaching eating as somebody with food issues is the attitude you take towards accommodating them. It is not always a case of expecting continuous and blind acceptance from those around you if your behavior grows into something more serious than what you like to eat.
Of course, for those who can only eat a limited amount of food, it is understandable to be upset if something you consumed turns out to be not what you expected. As with anything, though, the issue is all about the context that it finds itself in. Sometimes, that doesn't reflect favorably on those who are picky eaters—especially when their loved ones are trying to help them.
Of course, for those who can only eat a limited amount of food, it is understandable to be upset if something you consumed turns out to be not what you expected. As with anything, though, the issue is all about the context that it finds itself in. Sometimes, that doesn't reflect favorably on those who are picky eaters—especially when their loved ones are trying to help them.