The impulse to have your thoughts, feelings, and jokes validated by others is an essential human one. It's why we invented Twitter. Before that, you'd have to go through the rigamarole of writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper in hopes that they publish your dissenting opinion. Or before that, you'd have to take ink and quill to some paper, write out your precious little idea, and nail it up in the town square.
Now with a few keystrokes, your little ditty is up there for the world to see, whether or not they see it. Tweeting when you have no followers is like shouting into the void. Do you get a response? Most likely no, but it feels good to do it anyway. This is the joy of being on the internet. The barrier of entry is as low as it can be, and we must make use of it. For our ancestors.
Now with a few keystrokes, your little ditty is up there for the world to see, whether or not they see it. Tweeting when you have no followers is like shouting into the void. Do you get a response? Most likely no, but it feels good to do it anyway. This is the joy of being on the internet. The barrier of entry is as low as it can be, and we must make use of it. For our ancestors.