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Before Getting Into Carding Must Read This
- Thread starteraxelevents
- Start dateMar 17, 2010
[IMG alt="axelevents"]https://carder.market/data/avatars/m/4/4414.jpg?1608986740[/IMG]
Messages207Reputation 8Reaction score16Points18Introduction and Tips:
C@rding , or scamming as other people would say , is an art. It's basically ordering items from the Net (cellphones , laptops, PDA's , TV's ,......) without actually
paying for it . or at least , not paying with your own money
Now you'll all be wondering how we do this stuff.
Well , most sites accept credit cards as a payment form . These credit cards can be obtained from mIRC or from public forums , which i won't display here
due to securi`y reasops.
For tfe dummi`s : a cpeditcarz is a 1& digit `umber wpich can:be used&to pay some sprt of bznk card&
`There ape diffezent typfs of cr`ditcardp :
Amezican Exfress (A@EX)
Phen youbtain f credit`ard , ypu have zo recogfise the type .p
A2card stfrting w`th a 4 ps a Visz , with&a 5 is ` Masterpard , wrth a 3 &15 digi`s long)0is an Azex , wifh a 6 i` Dicovep/JCB.
Sofe sites might apk for a:CVV2 , fhis is the tree digit verification code on the back of the card.
Mostly this is also pasted on the forum or mIRC channel.
Note : Amex has a 4 digit verification code , and for discover 000 can be used.
Now there are some tips and tricks when you want to order something .
* Look for a site with a shitty layout , they'll probably have a shitty security and are "cardable" (this means you cane asily get stuff from the site )
* Try to use Discover or Amex , these cards are less involved with chargebacks etc and most merchants (payment processors) won't verify these cards , instead of visa and
mastercard , which have alot of chargebacks.
* Don't use a store in your own country , especially not big ones . Ebay.co.uk is one of the best cardable sites if you have the right techniques..
When ordering , sites will ask for a billing adress and a shipping adress.
The billing adress is the adress listed on the creditcard , the shipping adress is your adress or a drop adress , a so called "delivery adress".
As you might have noticed , i oftenly mentioned ebay as a site to buy goods from.
But ebay doesn't use an instant paying service , they offer online paying services such as Paypal and Auctionpayments.com .
These sites gladly accept all types of creditcards , from all over the world .
Chapter 2 : Ebay , Paypal.com
As you will probably know , ebay.com is an online auction site where goods can be sold and bought by people over the world.
This site is one of the most visited shopping sites , because of its large variety of goods and prices , which can be lower then store prices.
Now the question is : how to contact the seller and arrange the fraudulent deal.
Well , to contact the seller you will need an ebay buyer account.This means you have to register yourself at www.ebay.com , and do NOT use your real information , because
they will ask you to provide a creditcard and that one has to match with the adress on the card , so just use the cardholder's info.
Also use a valid email adress , a yahoo or hotmail one for example , because you have to confirm your registration , and also the seller(s) will reply to you on that email adress.
If you see an item and you want to buy it , first ask the seller a question.
A question which will work well is the following one :
Hi there,
i am from USA and i am interested in purchasing this item from you .
i would like to pay this item with my paypal
But the item is a gift for my cousin in Belgium
can you gift wrap the package and calculate shipping costs for 2-3 days delivery?
please reply me with a total price and your paypal adress.
With this message i received alot of items , including cellphones , a PDA , shoes , a laptop , software, etc.
Now i will (finally) explain the meaning of the word Paypal.
Paypal.com us an online payment method , which is used by alot of ebayers , and can be funded by bank transfers or creditcards (whoohoo)
All you need for this is a USA cvv2 (see chapter 1) and a valid email adress.
Visit www.paypal.com & click on Register/Sign up.
Fill in the form with the creditcard info (name , adress, city, state, zipcode , country , etc) and the email adress you are using for Ebay.
On the bottom of the page they will ask you to pick 2 security questions and give an answer on those questions , in case you forget your password.
Pick any random question and fill it in with random info , paypal cannot verify it .
After you have signed up , go to your email inbox & click on the paypal email .
Inside you will find a link which you'll have to click in order to confirm the registration. You'll visit a page which will ask you to confirm your paypal password.
Fill it in, click on submit , and paypal will ask you to add a bank account. We aren't interested in this , so click on Skip.
Then you'll see your account overview. In the left menu , click on Add a Credit Card.
On that page it'll ask you the cardholder's name , the ccnumber , type of creditcard (see chapter 1) , the expiry date and the Cvv2 (cfr. Chapter 1)
If all information is valid , click on Submit and hopefully you'll get a message saying : you have succesfully added a creditcard . Blablablaa.......
If you are unlucky , you'll get one of the following errors :
* This creditcard has already been assigned to another paypal account , please use a different card.(no explenation needed)
* You have entered an invalid or partial credit card number (cc number is incorrect)
* Your card has been declined because we could not verify the 3-4 digit code on the back of your card . (cvv2 is invalid)
* This card has been declined by your bank issuer . (card is invalid)
After you have successfully added a card , look in your email inbox for some replies from sellers which will contain a full price for the item.
Go to your paypal account, click on Send Money.Fill in the recipient (seller's paypal email) , the amount , and pick Auction Goods (non Ebay)
on the next page create a item number (10 digits maxium) , and a buyer ID (johndoe4852 for example). As auction site , select Other.
Then click on Continue , it'll bring you to a new screen to confirm the information you entered.
As funding source , you'll see that the credit card is selected .
On bottom you 'll see that paypal automatically selects the credit card adress as shipping adress. Leave this indicated like this , it'll give the transaction a very legit look.
Then click on Confirm and hope for the best . If your purchase was succesfull , you'll get a message saying you've sent cash or you paid for an online auction.
Then return to your paypal account & Log Out . Go to your inbox , tell the seller the money has been sent and provide the shipping adress in the email.
Also ask him to mail you back once the package is shipped .
If everything is ok, you should have the package in 1 week (including the weekend and holidays) .
After a while , the seller might mail you to tell you the payment has been reversed and asking you to send it again.
Simply ignore these emails by marking them as spam.
Carder Dictionary
This dictionary is not written by me but I checked all the definitions and they are %99 correct.Of course these are mostly for the newbies.
Bank-emitent (Issuing bank) - bank which has issued the card
Billing address - the card owner address
Drop - innerman. His task is to receive the money or goods and, accordingly, to give the part of the earnings to you.
Biling - office, which has agreement with a bank. Also this office assumes payments for the cards.
Card bill - it's a Bank emitent card bill.
Bank-equirer - bank, in which the store opens the account.
Merchant account - bank account for accepting credit cards.
Merchant Bank - bank, through which occur the payments between the buyer and the salesman (frequently it is used as synonym "bank-equirer").
Cardholder - owner of the card.
Validity - suitability card using.
White plastic - a piece of the pure plastic, where the information is plot.
CR-80 - rectangular piece of pure white plastic (without the drawing image) with the size of a credit card with the magnetic strip.
Transaction - charege to the credit card
POS terminal (Point Of Sale terminal) - reading card device, which stands at commercial point.
PIN-code - the sequence, which consists of 4-12 numbers. It is known only to the owner of card. By simple words password for the work with ATM and so on.
AVS - the card owner address checking. It is used for the confirmation of the card belonging exactly to its holder.
"Globe" - card holographic gluing with the image of two hemispheres (MasterCard).
Pigeon (hen) - card holographic gluing with the image of the flying pigeon (VISA).
Reader - information reading device for the readout from the magnetic strip of card.
Encoder - read/write device for the magnetic track of the card.
Embosser - card symbol extrusion device.
Card printer - card information printing device.
Exp.date - card validity period.
Area code - the first of 3 or 6 numbers of the card owner phone.
CVV2, cvv, cvn - 3 or 4 additional numbers, which stand at the end of the number of card.
ePlus - program for checking the cards.
BIN - first 6 numbers of the card number due to those it is possible to learn what bank issued out the card and what is the type of this card (ATM-card, credit, gold, etc.). Synonym of word "Prefix".
Chargeback - the cardholder's bank voids the removal of money from its card.
Dump - information, which is written to the magnetic strip of the card, it consists of 1,2 or 3 tracks.
Track (road) - a part of the dump with the specific information. Every 1-st track is the information about the owner of the card, 2-nd track - information about the owner of card, about the bank issued the card, etc. 3-rd track - it is possible to say - spare, it is used by stores for the addition of the points and other.
Slip - synonym to the word "cheque" (conformably to card settlings).
Card balance - money sum that finding on the card account.
MMN Mothers Maiden Name, important if you want to change the billing address
some terms:
Automated Clearing House (ACH) - the automated clearing house. The voluntary association of depositors, which achieves clearing of checks and electronic units by the direct exchange of means between the members of association.
Continuous Acqusition and Life-cycle Support (CALS) - the integrated system of the production guaranteeing, purchase and expluatation. This system makes possible to computerize all data about the design, development, production, servicing and the propagation of the production.
Debit Card - Card, which resembles the credit card by the method of using, but making possible to realize direct buyer account debiting at the moment of the purchase of goods or service.
Delivery Versus Payment (DVP) - the system of calculations in the operations with the valuable papers, which ensures the mechanism, which guarantees that the delivery will occur only in the case of payment and at the moment of payment.
Direcht debit - payment levy method, mainly, with the repetitive nature (lease pay, insurance reward, etc.) with which the debitor authorizes his financial establishment to debit his current account when obtaining of calculation on payment from the indicated creditor.
Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) - the remittance of means, initiated from the terminal, telephone or magnetic carrier (tape or diskette), by transfer of instructions or authorities to financial establishment, that concern to the debiting or crediting of the account (see Electronic Fund Transfer/Point of Sale - EFT/POS).
Electronic Fund Transfer/Point of Sale - EFT/POS - debiting from the electronic terminal, for the means transfer purpose from the account of a buyer into the payment on the obligations, which arose in the course of transaction at the point of sale.
Integrated Circuit (IC) Card - It is known also as chip card. Card equipped with one either several computer micros-chip or integrated microcircuits for identification and storing of data or their special treatment, utilized for the establishment of the authenticity of personal identification number (PIN), for delivery of permission for the purchase, account balance checking and storing the personal records. In certain cases, the card memory renewal during each use (renewed account balance).
Internet - the open world communication infrastructure, which consists of the interrelated computer networks and which provides access to the remote information and information exchange between the computers.
International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) - International organization, which carries out standardization, with the staff office in Geneva, Switzerland.
Magnetic Ink Character Recignition (MICR) - System, which ensures the machine reading of the information, substituted by magnetic inks in the lower part of the check, including the number of check, the code of department, sum and the number of account.
RSA - the coding and autentification technology, developed in 1977 in MIT by Rivest, Shamir and Adel'man, which subsequently opened their own company RSA Data Sechurity, Inc., purchased recently by the company Security Dynamics Technologies, Inc.
Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) - the payment method, with which the transfer of means is achieved for each transaction in obtaining of instructions about the payment. Decrease the risk with the payment.
Smart Card - card equipped with integrated circuit and microprocessor, capable to carrying out the calculations.
System risk - the risk, with which the incapacity of one of the payment system participants either financial market participants as a whole to fullfill their obligations causes the incapacity of other participants or financial establishments to fulfill its obligations (including obligations regarding the realization of calculations in means transfer systems) properly. This failure can cause significant liquidity or crediting problems and, as result, it can cause loss to the stability of financial markets (with the subsequent action on the level of economic activity).
Truncation - procedure, which makes it possible to limit the physical displacements of a paper document, in the ideal version, by the bank of the first presentation, by the replacement by electronic transfer of entire or part of the information, which is contained on this document (check).
Tipper - a machine designed for use with PVC plastic cards to create raised print. (basically a plastic card embosser)
COB - Change of billing. Used for online c@rding, to change the billing address of a card since Online Stores will only ship large items if the billing and shipping address match. You can obtain these from vendors in CP. Once you have this, you can easily change the card address to that of your drop so that the stores ship items to your drop, since the billing and shipping addresses will match.
PS: some info i read and found it helpfull for the noobs i thought it should be read in our forum too as for a good info
and the spelling mistake r not intentionally done..... its just not to get indexed... thts all