Going on vacation with your young child is not truly a vacation. You're still "on duty," so to speak. You're still responsible for their day-to-day needs, even if you happen to be out of town while doing so. There is a time and a place for this kind of family vacation. Maybe you pick a spot that has a kid's center, or somewhere with lots of activities for teens, so a little of the burden is lifted. But every trip doesn't have to be a kid-friendly trip. Sometimes parents just need a full-on break from their parental duties. They want to explore a new place, enjoy their time, and let the babysitter worry about the kids.
That was the intention of a young couple who wanted to gift both sets of their parents some time away from their younger children. But it didn't exactly go off without a hitch. Read on for the story and see what you think.
That was the intention of a young couple who wanted to gift both sets of their parents some time away from their younger children. But it didn't exactly go off without a hitch. Read on for the story and see what you think.