Work is all about attitude. If the people you work with have a bad attitude, it can rub off on the whole operation. You might enjoy the work you do, find purpose in it, and find that it suits your lifestyle, but a business is only as good as its people. If its people aren't your kind of people or worse- they're not even the kind of people that you respect, then it's hard to stay. For example, you might be an educator who finds incredible meaning in working with your students. They appreciate you, and you help improve their lives. Whenever you're in the classroom, you feel like you're in the right place. However, the assistant principal (who you directly report to) has no sense of work-life balance and expects you to drop everything for every work-related non-emergency. Even though you love your job, people like that can make it feel hostile.
That's what happened in this situation, when a worker who had already invested a lot in their career, lost all hope when their boss uttered a single phrase.
That's what happened in this situation, when a worker who had already invested a lot in their career, lost all hope when their boss uttered a single phrase.