If the speed of the trend cycle is anything to go by, the decade just before this one is getting a revival. The problem is, not everybody can identify what it is from that time that is going to be revived. It often takes quite a long time for hindsight to fully develop on anything, whether that be social movements or the way that people dress.
Still, that doesn't stop many wannabe aesthetes from looking at the 2010s with a critical eye. When somebody claimed that they couldn't identify a defining aesthetic in the peak millennial decade, other people were more than happy to step up with numerous different examples that they felt defined the ten-year stretch. It turns out that you can accuse this time period of many things, but there were definitely some eye-catching visuals involved (although it has to be said, that was not always a positive).
Still, that doesn't stop many wannabe aesthetes from looking at the 2010s with a critical eye. When somebody claimed that they couldn't identify a defining aesthetic in the peak millennial decade, other people were more than happy to step up with numerous different examples that they felt defined the ten-year stretch. It turns out that you can accuse this time period of many things, but there were definitely some eye-catching visuals involved (although it has to be said, that was not always a positive).