A holiday bonus can be a tricky thing. You want to show appreciation to your cohorts, but you have to make sure that it comes across fairly to everyone. Sure, nobody expects the C-suite folks to get the same amount as the custodial staff, but wouldn't that actually be nice? Don't those workers need that money a little bit more? In any case, bonuses can be an opportunity for some resentment to arise in the workplace, especially if you get to discussing what everyone received while hanging out in the break room. You want to feel valued and seen at work, and money is the number one way employers can show that, it's that simple.
In this story, though, one worker was not so lucky as to be fairly appreciated by their employer. In fact, their Christmas bonus felt more like a slap in the face than it did a genuine gesture of thanks.
In this story, though, one worker was not so lucky as to be fairly appreciated by their employer. In fact, their Christmas bonus felt more like a slap in the face than it did a genuine gesture of thanks.